I have just sorted and shelved my books and discovered that there are many I have yet to read. I am currently on a murder/mystery binge - Dorothy Sayers and Jeanne M. Dams - such addictive writers...and my friend Renita has her second book due out - "Forgotten Daughter" - at the end of the month while friend M.R. has her new book "The Medium" out and I have my copy ready to start. I just finished reading "The Shift" by Tory Johnson that my sister Debbie sent us (me and sisters Sue and Barb) to read from BC. Did I mention that I also beta read for a few authors as well? Three have books in the works and I am enjoying them as well. Also currently reading: Inferno by Dan Brown, The Monk by William H. Hallahan, Lord Peter by Dorothy Sayers and The Rose Garden by Susanna Kearsley. Like I said, "So many books, so little time..." LOL